These are books which I have come across in my exploration of antiquity and our vast civilization. I am extremely interested in our origins and the cosmos. We have only a speck of information and what we have been shown has most likely been controlled education. I understand that no one has all the answers. It is their perspective and their experience. If we can understand perspective, we may be more aware of the evolutionary states of our world/worlds. Some of the material I have read and re-read. Some are still on the to read list. *A huge red flag for me is if a piece is critically acclaimed by the "mainstream" and if an 'expert" has become a worldwide sensation. Be aware of the content that you are absorbing: Garbage in/Garbage Out.
"Metamorphoses" Ovid "Musical Truths" Mark Devlin "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" Terry Reed, John Cummings Book of Enoch Book of Thomas Book of Jubilee "Don't Sleep, There are Snakes" Daniel L. Everett "Holographic Universe" Michael Talbot "This is It" Alan Watts "Journeys Out of Body" Robert Monroe "Bhagavad Gita" "Memories and Visions of Paradise" Richard Heinberg "The Unknowable" S.L. Frank "The Essence of Shinto" Motohisa Yamakage "Cosmic Consciousness" Richard Maurice Bucke "Hunt for Zero Point" Nick Cook "Earth" Barbara Marciniak "Many Lives, Many Masters" Brian Weiss "The Voice of Knowledge" Don Miguel Ruiz "God I Am" Peter O. Erbe "Tao Te Ching" Lao Tzu "The Kybalian" The Three Initiates "Starseed Transmissions" Ken Carey "Behold a Pale Horse" Bill Cooper "Emerald Tablets of Thoth" "Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances" Michael E. Salla Works by Neville Goddard Works by David Icke Works by Jim Marrs