Why do I have this page on my music site? I've always been a curious person, a seeker of knowledge. I realized that the one thing in my life I could do for myself is have the power to be aware and observant of my world. We are not truly taught the reasons why we behave or follow a certain protocol. It's "just the way things are" we have been told. I didn't think that way. In fact, 99% of the time, I always sought out exactly the opposite of that which the so- called normal trends and norms gravitated towards. I asked myself why the life systems we were living were so linear, dense with no alternatives. Was that life? As I said, I was curious as a child, and just as I turned 7 years old, my brother who was five years older than me, passed away from brain cancer. That was the impetus of my life of "WHY and WHAT IS THIS LIFE." No one helped me with what we now call grief counseling. I understand now that sometimes it's "easier" for a child to cope than it is for an adult. I had to figure it out - life, existence, love, pain - on my own. As a result of those events, part of my childhood memories have been blacked out. But what I have and still retain is the inquisitiveness and determination to discover that which I couldn't understand from this life event. This led me to discover there is so much more than we know, so much more that we as a collective have not been told, and the words "so much" don't even touch the immensity of our existence. With that said, my music very much reflects the above.