there's an epidemic "out there" called many things: conditioning, programming, brainwashing, etc.
it goes so deep that we're conditioned to believe it's not happening. the commercials, movies, tv, books, fashion, trends, AI, technology...they all play a role. we've become conditioned to believe that if it is mainstream, for example, that it has to be good or quality. So I will buy that "thing." Or if a spokesperson who is a "celebrity" is endorsing it that it has to be good. So I'll buy that "thing." Or if everybody is doing it that it has to be right. So I'll do that "thing." Being a non-conformist doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a rebel. What it does mean is that you are aware of why exactly you are doing something. We are no longer asking ourselves questions: Am i respecting my own integrity? Am I making this decision because I have been influenced by society and society alone? Am i doing xyz because I just want to fit in? Am I making this idea without the conditioning or pressure from my peers? Am I making this decision based on my own self-respect? Am I making this decision based on fear? People don't quite realize even after the massive mind-control fear program of these past years that we are being "influenced" to do certain things thus the title being an influencer (a funny concept/creation). If I were to be influenced by something or someone it better be of great benefit for me. I won't do anything just because someone else who has a large following told me so and so I can be just like everybody else around me. That is called conditioning. Those methodologies run deep in the game. We need to look deeper into the history and masquerade of "influence."
I am seeing what I think are atoms in very close proximity to my eyes (my eyes were shut). As if my eyes were the microscope and I was able to zoom in 1000x to see them up close floating. Looks very similar to this picture. My perspective though was much closer. It was not a dream. I believe it was just an altered state of consciousness before waking up.
freedom holiday
moving forward to new horizons new opportunities entering into a new frame of life easy
it's easy to follow a formula easy to be part of the norm easy to do the same as you did yesterday easy to say what you've been told to say easy to follow industry, establishments, institutions, dogma easy to follow trends easy to do/be like the next guy/gal easy to be in a comfortable space easy to be part of the expected and accepted... it's not so easy to not follow what is considered easy it's not so easy to question for that's when you get labeled for being "difficult" and eccentric For the Open-Minded:
belief systems are strong. people will believe what they want to believe. so there is no reason to logically debate it. media will just write something to ridicule it. it is a waste of energy to even try to humor someone who doesn't believe. let them be. If it is better off for non-believers to believe that this stuff is solely written for books, movies and tv (close encounters of the third kind, star wars, star trek, stargate, twilight zone, arrival, lucy, logan's run, planet of the apes, Travis Walton, etc.) then let it be so. I know there is so much more than what we have been told...are you curious? Scalar technology, Zero Point Energy, etc... Must watch: Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers Interesting discussion on whether to play classical pieces slower than what has been recorded and usually played.
Honestly I prefer to play slower for the sake that I can hear nuance of the note patterns. I would rather hear melody and the journey of the piece. I feel that when the ears are given time or space to hear the passage it feels the movement more beautifully and emotionally. several times i have heard the most beautiful music and singing in my dreams. i had a dream once where I sat in the middle of a dome-like concert hall. instead of the musicians in front of an audience as we usually see, they were positioned encircling the dome on a balcony. the sound was glorious.
I am not sure if I will be able to capture and record even a note of its beauty in my lifetime. the closest thing i have heard is this piece by Ennio Morricone. It is the only piece that makes me cry and minutes later smile every time. Masterful creation. this is why sound is so powerful. Five Minutes
if i could sit outside feel the sun on my skin listen, not to cars swishing by like waves, but instead to birds, to the breeze that just teased my already messy hair. i can close my eyes turn off thoughts erase lists erase troubles erase wants erase the past turn off the future instead for five minutes with no expectations but to be as silent in my mind as possible and be perfectly content with what is The purity of nature. I RESPECT IT.
A Category 5 hurricane came through my town last year. I had a massive tree fall on my roof during the storm. I stood patiently (sometimes) but mostly frantically in complete darkness scooping heavy rain water gushing in from the open hole in my roof into my bathtub. I did this so that it wouldn't flood the rest of the house. When I got tired, I tried to rest. I couldn't. Instead I tried to think of ways to stop the water. This went on for hours. Meanwhile winds of 100 mph+ blew all night. Many more details not necessary to speak of on this site. I look at nature with deep respect. Strangely enough humans have been quite callous disrespecting nature. People don't understand that forces can take them out in minutes, seconds in whatever form. People live through some experiences like this in their own way. When you do and when you survive, you realize a lot of things. For me it's mostly that a lot of this Earthly life material life doesn't matter a damn bit. Just like that, it could be gone in the blink of an eye. So a lot of the stuff that goes on, absolute frivolous stuff, I have no interest. It's all fine and good, but as the song goes is like dust in the wind. I was at a grocery store recently and the women on line in front of me spent 10 minutes talking solely about their manicured nails. The one woman was impressed at how the other woman's nails looked so real even after she told her they were fake. Sigh. Maybe I just know that our existence is more divine. There has got to be more. I wonder about EXISTENCE in general because I have a feeling that what our EXISTENCE has been has also been a false one. A hidden one. So it is within nature that I find no frivolity. It doesn't play mind games. It stands true to its purpose. It doesn't waste time with data, figures, trends, stats, marketing schemes, accolades. It doesn't care what you look like, what you wear, how rich or poor you are, how talented or smart you are. It takes you as is like it is "as is." It is about the only thing in this world that is true. |